Tuesday, July 31, 2012

August First Full Moon - Corn Moon

August's First Full Moon is called the Corn Moon, Barley Moon, Sturgeon Moon, Dispute Moon, Weodmonath (Vegetation Month), Harvest Moon, or Moon When Cherries Turn Black Tinne (Holly).

It is a time of fiery energy, use it in your ritual and spell work, focusing on spiritual and physical health.  It is also a time to make sacrifices that will later benefit you, in this way we are "harvesting" in our own lives.  This moon is host to Lammas, in the Northern Hemisphere, and Imbolc in the Southern Hemisphere.


Colors: Yellow, red, orange, gold
Gemstones: Tigers eye, carnelian, garnet, red agate, jasper, fire agate
Trees: Cedar, hazel, alder
Goddesses: Hecate, Hathor, Nemesis, Diana
Gods: Mars, Toth, Vulcan, Ganesha
Herbs: Rosemary, basil, rue, chamomile, St. Johns wort, bay, angelica, fennel, rue, orange
Element: Fire
Flowers: sunflower, marigold
Scents: frankincense, heliotrope
Nature Spirits: dryads
Animals: lion, phoenix, sphinx, dragon
Birds: crane, falcon, eagle
Power Flow: energy into harvesting, gathering, appreciating.  Vitality, health.  Friendships.


Conway, D. J. Moon Magick: Myth & Magick, Crafts & Recipes, Rituals & Spells. St. Paul, MN: Llewellyn Publications, 1995. Print.

Wigington, Patti. "2012 Pagan/Wiccan Calendar." About.com Paganism / Wicca. Web. 04 Jun. 2012. <http://paganwiccan.about.com/od/holidaysandcelebrations/a/2012Calendar.htm>.

Wigington, Patti. "Corn Moon." About.com Paganism / Wicca. Web. 04 Jun. 2012. <http://paganwiccan.about.com/od/moonphasemagic/g/Corn_Moon.htm>.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Sunday, July 22, 2012

From a blah mind

Lammas is coming up on August 1st.  It is mainly a Wiccan/Celtic a holiday, from what I understand.  I am celebrating it just because I love celebrations.  Unlike Catholic holidays, Pagan holidays don't make me feel guilty and move me to tears.  I much, much prefer the happy holidays.  I'm going to start working on a "What is Lammas" blog entry.  I know I never did with the summer solstice, but when I do finish it I'll file it on my page so you can see it there.  Sorry this blog entry is so short, my mind feels kinda blah and I'm not coming up with anything good to write.  

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Pagan Insights Project

Who am I?
I am a Pagan witch, who sometimes covers her head, is disabled, crafty (not in a sly way, but in an "I like to make crafts way"), a writer, a reader, an animal lover, a feminist, a partner, a kittymommy, a friend, an activist, a future mommy (like future as in a year or two, I'm not preggers now), a part of the LGBT community, a student of religion...and my favorite flowers are purple milkweed and carnations. 

Purple milkweed
Purple milkweed

Where am I at right now?
The living room.  I'm planning on making my altar soon (as in the next couple of days), and have been reading up on it and drawing diagrams of where I want things to be.

What am I studying?
I'm studying from the book Paganism: An Introduction to Earth- Centered Religions by Joyce & River Higginbotham and Energy Essentials for Witches and Spellcasters by Mya Om. I've also been studying a lot about Al-Lat and the Sabbats.

Where am I on my Pagan path?
I am making my altar and planning a ritual for the Goddess Al-Lat.

Is there a right and wrong in Paganism?
Sometimes.  I think we need to keep a moral compass, the same as any religious person or an atheist.  As far as how to do a ritual, or set up an altar, or whether to cover your hair...there is no right or wrong.  If a God or Goddess asks something of you, it can change things.

What has rituals have you done recently?
None recently.  

What is something new that I have learned, or discovered recently, that is related to your path?
I've discovered a lot about Al-Lat, which I am very happy to learn about.

Pre-Islamic Goddess Al-Lat
Pre-Islamic Goddess Al-Lat

"May Al-Lat (Goddess) grant every wish."

"Shalm-Al-Lat (Peace of Goddess)."


Monday, July 2, 2012

July Full Moon - Blessing Moon

July's Full Moon is called the Blessing Moon, Wort Moon, Moon of Claiming, Moon of Blood (because of mosquitoes), Maedmonat (Meadow Month), Hewimanoth (Hay Month), Fallow Moon, Buck Moon, or Thunder Moon.

It is a time for magick, divination, and dreamwork.  It is also a time of relaxation and a great time for personal meditation.  Incorporate water into rituals and spellcasting.


Colors: Green, silver, blue-gray
Gemstones: Moonstone, white agate, opals or pearls
Trees: Ash and oak
Goddesses: Juno, Venus, Cerridwen, Athena (Athene), Nephthys, Hel, Holda
Gods: Lugh, Khepera
Herbs: Mugwort, hyssop, lemon balm, honeysuckle, agrimony
Element: Water
Flowers: lotus, water lily, jasmine
Scents: pearl, moonstone, white agate
Nature Spirits: hobgoblins (small, grotesque but friendly brownie-type creatures), faeries of harvest crops
Animals: crab, turtle, dolphin, whale
Birds: starling, ibis, swallow
Power Flow: relaxed energy; preparing; succeeding.  Dream-work, divination, and meditation on goals and plans, especially spiritual ones


Conway, D. J. Moon Magick: Myth & Magick, Crafts & Recipes, Rituals & Spells. St. Paul, MN: Llewellyn Publications, 1995. Print.

Wigington, Patti. "2012 Pagan/Wiccan Calendar." About.com Paganism / Wicca. Web. 04 Jun. 2012. <http://paganwiccan.about.com/od/holidaysandcelebrations/a/2012Calendar.htm>.

Wigington, Patti. "Blessing Moon." About.com Paganism / Wicca. Web. 04 Jun. 2012. <http://paganwiccan.about.com/od/moonphasemagic/g/Blessing_Moon.htm>.