Wednesday, October 9, 2013

22 Days Until Samhain! Witchy Wallpapers 1

1 comment:

  1. Oh Lord (Goddess!) I thought this was my wife's secret page! (she's Amy B. too).

    Very nice artwork. Nice to see your smile, sorry about all your painful problems.

    YOU HAVE A MAINE COON? I have one sitting on me...Tuesday is a beautiful brown mackerel Coonie. Rescue cat...front claws gone before we got her. Love her so much.

    I'm going to send my wife (we are seperated but talking about getting back together) your link to your page.

    Thanks for brightening my day.

    You might also like Pearl Jam to listen to - they are very progressive and prowoman. Just got back from their Charlottesville VA and Charlotte NC concerts (October 2013). Mike their lead guitar has Crohn's Disease. I have anxiety esp. social anxiety. Enuf about me.

    Hope you have a good life! Art Bagnall


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